Small group functional movement post rehab workshop teaches proper joint and muscle function to restore strength, mobility and stop the cycle of injury! This mindful approach leads to somatic reintegration over time!
All exercise, undertaken consistently, will produce a multitude of benefits. The GSRP only serves to greatly maximize those benefits for each minute spent working out as it integrates functional movement and cardiovascular work.
Benefits include:
Participants experience decreased:
The GSRP may be conducted in person or online for both individualized post rehab workout program development, and group workshops teaching proper biomechanics and muscular recruitment patterns for functional movement. For individual programs, regions of the body exhibiting loss of motion and subsequent decrease of function are identified, and a program involving passive breath-assisted positional releases combined with specific exercise routines is developed to target the regions of the neural web expressing slow signaling. These regions often present as muscle fibres within a muscle, or segment of muscles, demonstrating overall weakness and low resting tone. Often, these regions involve many layers of soft tissues including, but not restricted to muscle fibres, that have developed dysfunctions after a physical trauma. Local organs and joints will also be affected leading to an overall dysregulation of the somatic system that can result in the chronic-acute injury cycle. The GSRP seeks to restore all neurovascular communication in these tissues and help them reintegrate fully into a balanced and freely moving, pain-free body thereby resulting in a somatic reintegration of all injured or disturbed tissues.
GSRP Principles of Motion Level 1
This is a 4-hour series delivered in 8 30-min online functional movement post rehab exercise classes. It is designed to teach good joint biomechanics and proper muscular recruitment patterns, as well as how to apply them during every day activities. Participants will conscientiously practice those patterns in a whole-body workout which covers all aspects of spinal motion and fascial integrity eventually leading to somatic reintegration. Each 30-minute class includes flexion, extension, side bending and rotation, developing deep core muscles and increasing joint mobility, while improving balance and coordination. Exercises revolving around bending forward, squatting, pushing, pulling, pressing, lifting and twisting are integrated with resistance bands and/or free weights to cover all aspects of daily muscular function. Each participant will receive personalized breath-assisted positional releases grounded in their unique myofascial distortions and/or adhesions. This series is particularly helpful for individuals managing injuries and chronic conditions.
GSRP Principles of Motion Level 2
This is a 4-hour series delivered in 8 30-min online exercise classes. and is a continuation of the GSRP Level 1 workshop. It is designed to assist in progressing from the basics into a more challenging workout for the cardiopulmonary and musculoskeletal systems. Exercises designed specifically to built the capacity for executing plyometric exercises are introduced in more advanced levels of GSRP workouts. Each participant will receive an update on their personalized breath-assisted positional releases.
The GSRP Initial service to individual clients involves the following three components:
Once the goals have been achieved and the initial individualized post rehab workout is no longer sufficiently challenging, clients may request an update to their program.
The GSRP Update for individual clients includes:
"Rib is much better. I was in the pool today and. my whole back released!!!! I have a curve in my spine again!... I felt so right!! You are amazing!!! Thank you so much!!" CM
It's been 6 weeks since I started the functional movement post rehab GSRP L1 workouts you created for me. After 3 weeks of doing this individualized post rehab workout, I was able to start lightly jog again, but only in short spurts. After 6 weeks, I can jog the full 5 KM with only a bit of pain in the low back. Today I realized that, when I apply the alignments and recruitments you describe in the Standing Abs video you sent me, the pain disappears completely! I feel fantastic! Thank you so much!!! JG
"You've helped me so much in my own health journey, so thankful! " AH
This individualized post rehab workout is GSRP Level 6! Each progressive level continues to challenge core strength, balance and coordination. GSRP level 6 is a forward progression from functional movement post rehab exercises toward regular exercises as it includes the introduction to plyometrics-based exercises. The ability to express explosive movements without flaring up chronic injuries takes you one step closer to somatic reintegration.